Important - Did you have a blood transfusion prior to 1996?

The Hart Surgery

York Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2DR

Telephone: 01491 843200

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National Screening Programmes

NHS National Cervical Screening Programme

Women are screened every 3 years (25-49 yrs) or every 5 yrs (50-64 yrs).

For all GP registered individuals within the age group unless they are ceased for clinical reasons or have expressed in writing a wish not to be involved in the programme.

Thames Valley Primary Care Agency (TVPCA) identifies women due for screening. Invitations are sent from practices, followed by reminder letters. The cytology labs (at RBBH and ORH) carry out the screening of samples and report results to TVPCA, GP practice and colposcopy (if referral required).

Cervical screening consists of taking a cervical smear which is done in general practice.

Result letters are sent to the woman from TVPCA.

The colposcopy units invite women for further investigation/treatment if their initial smear indicates a potential problem. The colposcopy service will liaise with TVPCA and the practice to ensure the patient is put back on the call/recall system.

If you have any queries about cervical screening, please ask your GP or practice nurse.

National Breast Screening Programme

Women aged 50-70 years are eligible for breast cancer screening. In 2011 the programme is being extended to some women aged 47-49 and 71-73 years.

Those aged over 70 years may opt in by calling the breast screening unit on 01865 235621 .

For all GP registered individuals within the age group unless they are ceased for clinical reasons or have expressed in writing a wish not to be involved in the programme.

Screening is every three years and everyone who is eligible will be sent an invitation to attend.

Screening consists of an X-ray of breast tissue (mammogram)

Screening is at the Oxford Breast Imaging Centre (OBIC) at the Churchill Hospital and in mobile units which travel about the county for local community use.

If women have a positive screen they will be invited back to the breast clinic for further investigation within 3 weeks.

If you have any queries about breast cancer screening, please contact the breast screening unit on 01865 235621 or look on the website at or the Breast Cancer care webiste

Oxfordshire Diabetic Eye Screening Service (ODESS)

All those with diabetes aged 12 years and over are screened yearly. Screening consists of taking images of the eye.

Oxfordshire Diabetic Eye Screening Service (ODESS) co-ordinates the call/recall system.

For all those registered with a GP unless they are ceased for clinical reasons or have expressed in writing they do not wish to be involved in the programme.

Patients being seen in ophthalmology for Glaucoma or Macular Degeneration should still attend for diabetic eye screening.

Invitations are sent out followed by two reminder letters.

Screening is carried out at the GP surgery by technicians or at 1 of the 16 contracted optometrists.

All images are assessed by ODESS. If further assessment is required ODESS refers the patient directly to ophthalmology department at the JR or Royal Berks.

Both the patient and the GP will be sent the results by letter.

Photographs taken during a routine eye sight test are NOT the same as Diabetic Retinopathy Screening.

If you have any queries about the service please call 01865 231586


NHS National Bowel Screening Programme

Bowel cancer screening is carried out every two years and has two stages:

(i) a test kit sent to patients at home centrally from the Guildford hub.

(ii) if test is positive, patients have a colonoscopy locally (the Horton, JR or Royal Berks).

People aged 60-69 years are eligible for bowel cancer screening and this will extend to people to age 74 in 2012.

Every eligible person within the age group who is registered with a GP and whose address is current will receive an invitation every two years.

Those over the upper age limit may opt in by calling

0800 707 6060. People below the age limit are not eligible but if they have symptoms they should see their GP.

If a patient has a positive screen the GP will be informed.

GPs or patients concerned that someone has not yet received a screening invitation should call

0800 707 6060 or the Oxfordshire Screening Centre on 01295 229834 to confirm the expected invitation date.