The Hart Surgery

York Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2DR

Telephone: 01491 843200

Sorry, we're closed

GP Appointments

In order to cope with rising demand for appointments, we now operate a total triage system. If you would like a GP appointment or advice, (by telephone or face-to-face), please fill in the request form by clicking on the green tile on the right or by clicking here. (active 6am-4pm). A senior GP will triage all requests on the day they are sent, usually within an hour or two, and we will get back to you shortly after that. Our receptionists are not able to book GP appointments directly unless given the go ahead by the duty triage doctor.

Urgent and non Urgent Medical Help Outside Opening Hours

Always telephone “999” for life-threatening situations when you feel urgent medical care may be required. The nearest Accident and Emergency Unit is at The Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading. There is also one at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. There is a minor injury unit at Townlands Hospital, Henley-on-Thames which is open 7 days a week until 8pm (x-ray closes at 4.30pm).

If you need medical help outside our opening times and your situation is not life-threatening, dial ‘111’ for the NHS 111 service. This service offers urgent medical help or advice in non life-threatening situations and can arrange for you to see a doctor or advise whether you need to go to A&E or a minor injury unit.   The NHS website offers a complete guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.

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