York Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2DR
Telephone: 01491 843200
We're open
Requests for GP appointments or advice must be made via our “Request a GP Appointment” online form. In order to keep our telephone lines free we would really appreciate it if you could fill in the form online if you can. However if you are unable to access the internet or the form for any reason, our reception staff would be happy to fill it out on your behalf over the phone.
We give our patients a choice of whether they would prefer to be seen face-to-face or receive a telephone call. All requests for appointments will be triaged on day, as they come in, by the duty doctor who will decide whether you need an appointment today, within 3 days or within 10 working days.
Sometimes the doctor may direct you to another member of the surgery eg a nurse for a blood test or our clinical pharmacist for medication queries. We also make use of the community pharmacist service available at local chemists and may direct you there.
Some of our treatment room appointments are bookable online via the NHS App or Patient Access. Otherwise, please call the surgery to book an appointment
Specialist Appointments
Appointments are also available with the following team members.
Dental | Please do not call the GP surgery regarding dental problems as we are not qualified to deal with these. This includes the prescribing of antibiotics. If you have a dental problem please call your dentist or 111 |
Covid-19 Antibody testing | There is currently no system in place for Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire or Berkshire patients to have a Covid-19 antibody test so we are unable to offer the test. We will update the website when this situation changes. |
Smears (Cervical Screening) | Smear testing is now back up and running as usual. If you get a letter asking to make an appointment, please do so. You can book these online too. |
Contraception | All contraception appointments including those concerning implants and coils will initially be booked in as telephone calls with Sister Fajer. If she believes it is essential that you are seen after she has spoken to you, then she will ask you to come to the surgery but please do not come unless you have spoken to her first. You can book these online too. |
Blood Tests | These may be booked online, via the NHS App or by calling the main switchboard. Patients should book themselves in for a blood test unless asked to do so by a doctor or nurse. |
Nurse Appointments | All appointments for dressing changes, the removal of stiches or other practice nurse appointments may be booked online or via our main switchboard. |
COPD/Asthma/Diabetes | All patients on our COPD/Asthma and Diabetes registers should have an review at least annually. We will always try to contact you when it is time for your review but if you think it is over a year since yours, please contact the surgery for an appointment. Patients with diabetes require an annual blood test which should be at least a week before your review with a nurse so that the results may be discussed at your appointment. |
Baby Immunisations | Routine childhood immunisations, from 8 weeks up to and including vaccines due at one year of age including first MMR and hepatitis B for at risk infants. We will take every precaution to protect you or your baby when attending the surgery but please do not attend if you or they are feeling unwell. |
Other vaccinations | Please book via our main switchboard for Pertussis (whooping cough), shingles, pneumonia or other vaccinations. We are running a normal service. |
Ear Irrigation | We are not currently accepting bookings for either ear irrigation or ear suction |
Spirometry/Lung Function | We are not currently accepting bookings for spirometry |
Counselling (for mental health) | We have our own mental health nurse based at the surgery and appointments can be booked via the triage system. Kelly is here to assess and support you with your mental health, working with you to promote positive change.
Alternatively, you can refer yourself to Oxfordshire Talking Therapies, the mental health counselling service. See here for details. |
Health Visitors | If you need to contact the health visitors, please text 07312 263081 during office hours. For more information on health visitor services, please look on their website here |