York Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2DR
Telephone: 01491 843200
We're open
Prescriptions can be requested one of seven ways:-
Did you know that there are a number of companies who will deliver medication to you? Type “medication delivery service” into your preferred search engine to find examples of this.
We DO NOT take prescriptions over the phone except in exceptional circumstances and only by prior arrangement.
Although we usually turn around within 48 hours, we advise that you allow 3 working days for prescription requests to be actioned to be on the safe side; this may be longer if there is a query regarding your medication request, or it is not a repeat medication.
The Hart Surgery can send medication requests directly to your chosen pharmacy using EPS (Electronic Prescription Service). This is safe and confidential and a convenient way for you to collect your medications without having to visit the surgery first to pick up a prescription. Please let the prescription desk know your preferred choice of pharmcist.
We are not able to fax any prescriptions due to new NHS guidelines. Urgent requests will have to be collected from the surgery.
There is a prescription clerk in the surgery between 8:30 and 4:30 every day and you may call the prescription line via the main surgery switchboard (01491 843200) if you have a medication query. It is open 10-12 and 2-4.
The prescription line may be switched to a message-taking service when the clerk is taking a break, in a meeting or needs a period of uninterupted work time, but please rest assured that messages are listened to throughout the day.