York Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2DR
Telephone: 01491 843200
We're open
The Hart Surgery would not exist without our patients and it is vital for us to gain insight into how our patients feel about the service we offer. We use the feedback we get from our patient panel to inform decisions which might affect our patients, implement change and to try to make the surgery the best it can be with the resources available to us.
The patient panel consists of both a virtual group, connected together via an email distribution group where we disseminate information and have discuss NHS directives an other decisions which may affect us and local health services.
We also meet three times a year on the 1st Tuesday of the month in February, June and October at 5.30 at the surgery. The meeting is always attended by one of our GPs and the practice manager. We occasionally have meetings outside these times to discuss specific issues as and when they arise.
Not everyone who is on our virtual panel attends the meeting but may let us know if there are any particular matters they wish to discuss.
We really appreciate the members of our patient panel who give up their time to represent the patient voice of the surgery. If you think you would like to be involved please fill in the form below and as long as you are a current patient you will added to our email patient group (which you can opt out of at any time).