York Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2DR
Telephone: 01491 843200
We're open
PSA Test Leaflet. Please read before blood test to avoid false result
Healthshare Oxfordshire
HealthshareOxfordshire is a part of Healthshare, an independent group of former NHS clinicians, established in 2009, providing clinical services exclusively to the NHS in many areas of England. We provide high-quality services in the community to improve access and availability to all NHS patients. Our clinical team based in the community in Oxfordshire includes:
HealthshareOxfordshire offers access to these services in a single, managed pathway.
Advice to Parents
Bronchiolitis advice for parents/carers of children 0-2 years
Fever advice for parents/carers of children 0-5 years A4
Gastroenteritis advice for parents/carers of children 0-5 years A4
Support Groups
Turning Point is a leading UK health and social care organisation. We provide specialist and integrated services for people with complex needs, including those affected by drug and alcohol misuse, mental health problems, unemployment and those with a learning disability.
They run a drop in session in D:Two Henley on Fridays 10-1 for advice, information and referrals and they also have a recovery worker who offers 1-2-1 sessions for those in treatment.
Please visit their wellbeing website http://wellbeing.turning-point.co.uk/
For more Oxfordshire Information http://www.turning-point.co.uk/oxfordshire-roads-to-recovery