The Hart Surgery

York Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2DR

Telephone: 01491 843200

We're open

Clinics & Services

Asthma Clinic

Our nurses are specially trained in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and are here to help our patients, both children and adults, manage their condition. Our specialist asthma trained nurses are Ann Pearce and Fiona Nugent. Patients with asthma and COPD should be seen at least annually to have their medication reviewed.

Child development and immunisations

All aspects of child care including immunisations can be discussed with the Doctor, Nurse and the Health Visitor. Fiona Nugent is our childhood immunisation lead.

Cervical Smear Tests

The surgery operates a call and recall system where patients are sent reminders at appropriate intervals asking them to attend for a cervical smear. The test can detect cell changes in the cervix (neck of the womb) that can sometimes lead to cervical cancer if left untreated. If the changes are present, treatment is nearly always simple, effective and without major surgery.

Our Family Planning and smear nurse is Sister Pauline Fajer with Dr Lucy Worth also being able to take smears.


Diabetes Clinic

Fiona Nugent runs regular Diabetes clinics to improve the general health and specific control of our patients with diabetes. All patients with diabetes will be seen in this clinic as it our aim to reduce complications caused by Diabetes and ensure that all patients with Diabetes have the NICE 8 care process completed annually.

Ear Syringing/Suction

GPs are no longer funded to provide this service to patients. The only option is to contact the audiology department at The Royal Berkshire Hospital or use one of the private services available in Henley.

 Flu Clinic

Annually, usually starting in September/October, we run flu clinics where eligible patients can be immunised against influenza. Any patients over 65 or with certain chronic conditions are eligible. Please look out for dates of our clinics on the website and in the surgery.

 Family Planning Clinic

These clinics are run by Sister Pauline Fajer who is very experienced in family planning and sexual health and offers a full range of services including emergency contraception (although this is now available over the counter at most chemists), coils and implants. Her clinics are on a Tuesday and Friday.


This is routinely offered to women every 3 years between the ages of 50 and 70 and takes place locally in Henley.  You will be advised of the location in your appointment letter.

Maternity Care

All the doctors, the Community Midwife and the Health visitors work together to provide ante-natal  and post-natal care. This includes antenatal classes, post natal support groups, baby massage classes, parent craft classes and baby clinics.

The Community Midwife Ante Natal Clinic is now held at Townlands Hospital and runs on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and the occasional Saturday. Our community midwife is Caroline Sawyer and can be contacted on 01865 903 703

Minor Surgery Clinic

Dr Philip Unwin with help from our nurses, carries out minor operations on a wide range of minor skin conditions.  Please note that the removal of skin tags, sun damage and moles etc, for cosmetic purposes are not covered.  Dr Mark Bish and Dr Will Hearsey can also offer a range of joint injections.  Patients would need a referral from their usual Doctor.

Smoking Cessation Clinic

The surgery no longer runs a smoking cessation clinic. The Practice encourages patients to stop smoking. If you wish to stop smoking and would like some support, please access the new free and local service from Boots Smoke Less Plan here or advice can be found on the NHS Smokefree website here.

Travel Clinic

We offer a full range of vaccinations for travellers and are a registered Yellow Fever centre.

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. It is important to make this initial appointment as early as possible  – at least 6 weeks before you travel. This appointment will include discussing which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required.

Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge.  This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.

Well Woman Clinic

As well as Family planning, Sister Pauline Fajer also runs this clinic which covers cervical smears and advice on all aspects of women’s health.